When it comes to blog branding, as the big perfectionist that I am, I kept myself on a roller coaster of feelings for too long. TBH, I haven’t actually taken it as seriously as I should from the start.
Although my husband’s a graphic designer, and the design itself is NO 1 for both of us, there really is just too much more than just the design. Your blog is your brand. Therefore, you have to learn how to do the blog branding correctly.
Psssst, before we step further, let me just introduce the free blog branding guide I’ve made for you as my way to thank you for being such a loyal audience and support to this blog!
Make sure to download it now, so you can fill it out as we go through this post! It’ll make it a lot easier to brand yourself faster.
Ok, back to the tips now! Let’s brand that blog to make it profitable! Blog branding is the first thing you’ll need to do to be able to make money from it!
Why though?
The content that you share should not only be well-written and full of advice, but effective as well. When you lack in branding yourself and your blog as ONE, you lose the effectivity.
See, at the very beginning, I instantly bought a theme, set up a logo and spent most of my time on photo editing. You ask me today, it was a complete waste of time, because…
I was trying to copy all the other mom and non-mom bloggers, but I actually ended up with all my photos looking pretty different apart from each other. Except for one time, I did style them, but they were all blue and unattractive.
When I finally realised my blogging career was where I should represent myself, I figured it all out. That’s when I decided to rebrand my blog. That’s when I gained subscribers and organic traffic for the first time. Here are the crucial (and the only steps) I took.
1 The connection between you and your audience.
It’s of big importance to find out what kind of blogger you are and who you’ll be serving through it. What’s your passion, and will you be blogging about it or something different?
Are you the one to hide behind the letters or the one who loves posing and posting images of herself? Who do you want to help out? What value can they get from you? You never wanna just say women or moms or fitness enthusiasts. You must go further with understanding your business.
For instance, I help stay-at-home moms through tips on a healthy lifestyle, positive parenting and growing their business from the comfort of their homes. Don’t be afraid to fall deeper into understanding who your audience is. There are enough people for everyone.
Plus, it doesn’t always mean that you’ve narrowed it down to that specific audience. I earn myself new subscribers who even aren’t moms monthly but are enjoying my self-improvement and blogging posts. But it’s all about the honesty here. You have to show people what they can expect from you right from the start.
2 Blog branding through a theme.
You do realise the importance, right? I’m sorry to break it to you if you haven’t set up a beautiful and updated theme by now, but… No one will stay or return to your blog if it’s not catchy. Simple as that.
– Related: 10 gorgeous WordPress Themes for Feminine Entrepreneurs –
Here’s where you’ll have to re-think your blog branding once again. Just like I did. The first theme I bought for this website could not satisfy me. So, I decided to rebrand my blog. After I did that, for the first time, I woke up to see someone subscribed to my newsletter. Whoa, I got confused! Then another one, and another one…
Obviously, my blog was convincing enough for them to decide to stay for the show. I still haven’t seen anyone unsubscribe and I’m still growing! So it damn is important to make it convincing, to be the brand. Keep reading!
3 Fonts and colours.
Choosing between the tiniest of the tiny is so hard! You must stay minimalist. Otherwise, you’ll lose effectiveness.
It’s a tiny chance people will recognise you straight away if you don’t have a special design of everything that represents you. I have a pro secret to share on how I finally was able to find out which colours and fonts my target audience feels comfortable seeing.
But don’t forget to fill the ideas in your free 5 easy steps to branding your blog workbook as we go together through this post (:
Most of my blog traffic comes through Pinterest. Therefore, I hired Pinterest as a personal detective to bring me the big secret: which colours and fonts would do wonders for my target audience?!
At first, I tried to copy themed pins, but the conversion never grew up. Then I hired my graphic designer husband to serve a little bit of his magic to my Pinterest account. And people loved it! They saved almost every pin! BUT still, nobody came to my blog.
Of course, it discouraged me, because who else could know the answer if not him? Obviously, I was doing something wrong. By that time, we’ve already invested way too much in a non-profitable blog. Yet, we weren’t ready to give up.
So I kept climbing up the same wall once again. Except for this time, I was determined to succeed. In the Pinterest search bar, I put the main themes my blog was about.
I took all the colours from the first 3 pins from each keyword’s search and then narrowed them down to the 3 main colours and 4 sub-colours. I did the same to find the perfect fonts too!
4 Logo.
Just as you need your special colours and fonts, the logo is yet another way to stand out from the crowd. Whether you’ll decide on it be your blog’s name with a unique font that’ll represent your idea, or hire a designer, you must have it. It doesn’t have to be anything heavy or too fancy.
You can find some pretty inexpensive fonts and logo bundles at Creative Market. Here are some fonts that I’d recommend: Julietta $21, Santorini $17 and this Font Bundle $19. Catchy and easy to remember, but also readable! Perfect.
5 Branding through photography.
Oh boy, there’s more?! Well, unless you’re not here for a cup of coffee and simple curiosity, then don’t you roll your eyes at me. This one’s huge. You want people to recognise you: through fonts and colours combinations, through a unique voice and your logo. And through photography.
As said earlier, I struggled with photography for a long time. At first, I wanted the pinkish shade on my photos because mom blogs should be gentle. Then I decided to change the editing style for the next three times.
I never fitted into any of those styles, so editing was an exhausting job that took way too much of my time. All until I said to myself: no more copying. You are you, and nobody’s that too. So I followed my inner voice and created a unique style.
Blog branding headaches?!
Hope there aren’t any big left now that you know where to start and what should wait for you once you figure it out! However, if you still feel a bit confused, don’t worry cause it’s normal. We’ve all been there.
You’re about to do something huge here! There’s no need to worry too much, even if you still feel like you’re at the beginning. Follow through my free blog branding guide and fill it in as many times as you need, until you feel completely satisfied with the look of your brand.
I’d appreciate your thoughts and shares! See you in another one! 🙂
ATsPbfXgx says