You do not need the perfect blogging schedule. You do not need to get yourself all routined up to be ready to create your own success story. Certainly, you do not need any blogging schedule at all – just write when you have the time and your blog will eventually grow.
Well, that is so untrue. I’ve never met a full-time blogger said this. Although passive income DOES MEAN your bank account loading money while you peacefully enjoy life, you still have to walk long path experiencing different strategies on your way to there.
Full-time bloggers change their strategies occasionally to fit whatever their life AND their blog need. Many times, we overwhelm ourselves with tasks and lose the run. But we’ve learned how to walk away from failing and continue growing after that.
Blogging full-time, generating passive income, living your best life does require a consistent schedule (and being able to move further if you fail). This means planning each of your tasks and separating them into pieces, months, days and hours.
Setting goals and creating strategies for nailing them. This varies from person to person, but here’s how I do it. I separate my blogging tasks into five-year goals, yearly goals, seasonally goals + monthly, weekly and daily schedule.
Five-year goals and yearly goals.
I’ve never had a chance to master yearly goals before. My pre-mom life (what was I before I became mom, once again?) was a chaotic disaster. Looking back, I see myself getting up in the late afternoon with a headache cause I spent the whole night writing a book which never came to an end.
I was unable to reach my goals until two years ago when I sat down to a nice talk with myself and decided to set and reach both personal and business success. That day changed everything.
So, what bloggers actually plan yearly?
Mostly, those are traffic goals, audience goals and money goals. Meaning, how many page views, subscribers and followers they expect and how much money do they want to make. Yearly goals are also for prepping strategies for achieving them and brainstorming seasonal content + monetization strategies.
Monthly blogging schedule.
Planning, creating and organizing monthly content for the blog has been an ultimate life-changer for my game. Following trends as a blogger is of great importance because people’s interests change according to what’s currently happening.
For instance, how would you like reading “Top 10 Places To Visit This Winter” blog post in the middle of July? Exactly. Another important thing to keep in mind is: your post needs to go viral before the drama begins.
Many people shop for Christmas in November, so you should prepare those posts in the mid of October because it’s the only way for them to go fully viral through, let’s say, Pinterest.
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1 Goals.
I still set traffic, subscribers and social media followers I’d like to reach by the end of each month. The more I look/ think of those numbers, the higher they become. Just a simple law of attraction game.
2 Budget.
Looking through the blogging budget, earnings and expected expenses is not the fun part, but it’s an important one. You must learn how to track your money the correct way. Have you spent too much the last month and do you really have enough for that course this one? Maybe you need to work more hours to be able to earn more? Budgeting the right way is a learning process, but anyone can do it.
3 Track my Google Analytics – write post ideas.
But seriously, have you met any blogger not doing it? Google Analytics is so important because it informs us whether we’re on the right path or not. Let’s be honest, simply curiosity is never a blogger thing.
Which posts performed well, which platforms sent people to the blog – those are the areas to focus on. According to this analytic, I plan my content. Every month, I make a list of future posts to write.
4 Pinterest analytics.
Are you aware of the power of Pinterest? See, Pinterest is not a social media, it’s a search engine – just like Google. Only better, visually catchier. Most importantly, it’s the number one traffic generator for most of us in the blogging world.
I always track the analytics of my pins which helps me brainstorm the next month’s posts better. It’s helpful to know which pins have link clicks because then you know which style is preferable for your audience.
5 Upcoming projects & additional improvements.
If there are upcoming projects or some additional improvements, I’ll schedule specific days for strategy and specific days for action. Sometimes, it’s simply updating last year’s seasonal posts (ex. Black Friday related). But it can also be creating banners, freebies, e-book, course, blog design improvements and similar.
Weekly blogging schedule.
I’m such a separator, you know. I have specific days for writing and specific days for creating. As well as in household chores: ironing on Tuesday, meal planning on Friday. And my kid’s learning schedule too: English on Tuesday, music lessons on weekend.
Separating obligations keeps me productive and on track. It’s the only way of not losing the spark and the motivation and staying refreshed all the time. No one likes being overwhelmed, ok? Where were we now? Oh, about how I separate my days for success….
Mondays – write/ email/ create pins
Tuesday – publish post/ work on projects
Wednesday – write/ work on projects
Thursday – write/ create pins/ work on projects
Friday – publish post/ work on projects
Saturday – schedule Instagram/ email/ work on projects
Sunday – photo shooting/ editing/ pitch to brands
Day in a life of a mom blogger
We’re finally here. This is what a day in the life of a 4-year-old son and a Jack Russel Terrier full-time mom blogger looks like.
BUT. Before jumping into the schedule, I want to point out there are tasks I do daily to maintain the growth of my blog. Those are: check/respond to emails, stay present on social media platforms and post on Pinterest.
I have a lot of stuff going on in my life, but I’m fine with that. I love my family and am so grateful that I’m able to spend enough fun and learning time with my son, husband and our puppy, just as much as I love my job.
Around 6.30-7.30 AM – wake up, put clothes on, make green tea or lemon water.
7-8 AM – morning walk by the river with the puppy, enjoying my green tea/ or let the puppy out and workout at home.
This is when I prepare my mindset for success. Mornings are quiet and smell nice, so I usually brainstorm any ideas and my to-do list. It comes naturally.
7.30 AM – feed and train the puppy.
Around 8 AM – breakfast with the fam.
8.30 AM – free time with my son: reading/ playing with toys/ doing his daily activity.
Between 8.30 & 9 AM – getting ready for the kindergarten (I help him pack his snack box, brush his teeth and put clothes on).
Around 9 AM – off to kindergarten.
He either leaves with dad or I ride him on a bike so we enjoy a nice morning ride together. We bring the puppy with us sometimes too, or I bring her inside to nap.
Between 9 & 9.30 AM – workout, if I haven’t earlier (here’s my current workout plan).
10 AM – coffee time and workday starts.
12 PM – snack time for me and backyard time with the puppy.
She usually plays alone at this time, so I bring my stuff outside and continue working from there.
1 PM – feed the puppy, bonding time (she loves to cuddle at this time).
1.15 PM – we come inside, I continue working (on some days, this is the house chores time).
3 PM – family comes home and we enjoy lunch together (if there’s not much work left to do, I go out to pick up the kid as well).
3.30 PM – clean after lunch.
My son helps me with this – it’s his chore time and then the independent hour.
We either spend it outside exploring and playing with the puppy/ let her explore alone or stay inside to play with her.
5 PM – learning activity of the day time + music hour (this is the routine when he goes to kindergarten).
Puppy’s usually napping again, but sometimes, as well, we stay outside longer to enjoy any kind of fun activity or travel outside the city.
6 PM – work time for me, or we’re on an outing with puppy/ enjoying music hours if we stayed longer earlier, depends on the weather and my son’s choice.
7.30 PM – dinner time + independent play/ watching catroons.
During the independent play, I make sure all meals and clothes for tomorrow are ready.
8 PM – bath time + bedtime + reading books (if I have to continue working or it’s the cooking day, my husband do this).
9 PM – work time or hobby time until it’s sleep time (reading a book).
On weekends, we’re either together for an adventure somewhere outside the city or my husband and I separate hours to get everything done.
However, Sunday is also a “getting ready for the week” day, but there’s usually not much to do except for cooking and laundry. I make sure to get on track with the house chores throughout the week.
Anyways, weekends are usually chill time. We make sure to prioritise personal life above everything since it’s so important now that our son is little. So please keep in mind, I usually only work on weekdays in the mornings and sometimes when my son goes to sleep at night.
He’s only going to be this little once, so both my husband and I want to stay as much present as possible. BUT if there’s a project I’m working on, he’d spend more time with his dad, and vice versa, which is a nice one on one bonding time with both parents.
Seeking for inspiration.
Having a consistent blogging schedule I never lack in inspiration. You’ve noticed that, as a busy mom, I have to juggle with everything. Personal life, parenting, self-care and hobbies, relationships and social interactions, work.
The only way to successfully do it, without feeling discouraged or uninspired, is to stay on track with the schedule. So basically, this should be called “life schedule”, huh? Hope you enjoyed it and found inspiration! Let me know what you think.
Blogtober 2020 info on Mommysup website: During October, a new post will go live every day for two weeks, except on Saturdays and Sundays.
October 1st: October goals in a world of craziness
October 2nd: Blogging schedule for success (the one you’re in)
October 5th: Things to do in October 2020
October 6th: 15 ways to celebrate motherhood this fall season
October 7th: Best holiday gifts for moms with young kids
October 8th: Eight ways you’re ruining your kid’s childhood
October 9th: Beginner’s guide: how to grow an email list faster?
October 12th: Monday blues & how to avoid it as a mompreneur?
October 13th: Keeping kids healthy during the fall season
October 14th: Toddler gift guide for every budget
October 15th: Fall clothing essentials for little boys
October 16th: How to brand your blog + free worksheets
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