Before I finally figured out which one suits my brand, I read tons of articles on feminine WordPress themes. Although I have never exactly typed “Feminine WordPress Themes”, these are supposed to be the popular ones.
And I couldn’t get why. The previous two themes I used on this website wouldn’t fall into that category. But neither of them could satisfy me too! The fonts, the colours, the design: all nothing but OK.
How to start a blog from scratch
WordPress Dashboard for Beginners
And I wanted a beautiful website with an outstanding design, with fonts, colours and widget areas pleasant on the eye!
So, my husband, a graphic designer, suggested that I should rebrand my blog and not stop until I felt it was right. He also suggested that we change the logo according to the theme.
I wasn’t ready to start it all over once again at that time, but ultimately, I agreed since it seemed like the right thing to do. I wanted the readers to get that first impression right. I wanted to tell the story as it is.
And what do you think I needed to do to make it happen? Well, apart from the obvious, writing the best content possible and promoting it, I had to change the blog theme.
We all are aware of how important that first impression is, in any business, especially when it comes to blogging.
Top 10 Feminine WordPress Themes
The themes listed below might certainly help you create the most beautiful website. Therefore, those are all Premium Themes and some of them acquire you to buy the Genesis Framework since they are child themes built on Genesis.
In that case, you’ll pay for both theme (and a logo if you want to purchase it) and Genesis Framework. You get the Genesis Framework in a .zip file, so you can use it on as many sites you want and as many times you need.
You also need to have paid hosting on Otherwise, the theme won’t work. When you have a self-hosted website, you can fully customize it and monetize it however you want (not the case with free hosting).
Personally, I adore themes made in Genesis, and I use one of them on my blog too. However, if you don’t feel like buying a theme now, there are plenty of beautiful FREE THEMES too!
We’re finally there now! Let me introduce you to my TOP 10 most beautiful feminine WordPress themes. But, just in case we’re on the same side here, I’ll ask you ONE QUESTION: You already have a blog, right?
No worries if not, I do have a quick beginner-friendly guide on how to start a blog here, without digging too much and in little time!
Parisian Girl – $59 + Genesis Framework
Sarah Parker – $59 + Genesis Framework
LadyBoss Theme – $59 + Genesis Framework
Victoria Theme – $49
Isabelle Theme – $59
Memento Theme – $39 + Genesis Framework
Olivie Theme – $79
Chanel Theme – $12
Avondale Theme – $65
XO Theme – $29
These have all just knocked me off with their beauty! Which one is your favourite?
Do you have any gorgeous suggestions? Let me know in the comments below, and stay tuned for more of the blogging series! 🙂
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