I usually sit down to specify my kid’s routine for a season, however, you’ve never seen me specify a mom fall routine (or any other season, really). During high school days, I always filled my daily habits in the journal. Since I was a very active kid (English class, basketball, music, workout, and other stuff), I had to keep track of all the obligations.
I used to be one of those girls that were always late. After I gave birth, I knew my life has changed drastically. No more wandering around without a specific reason, only organisation. Now, I belong to the organised girls’ teams, or at least I try. For the sake of everyone’s better life, of course.
mom fall routine
Moms that organise their life raise happy kids, enjoy better relationships, get the work done and are happy themselves too.
My everyday goal is to use the 70/30 life percentage rule with the little one. I’m not sure when I figured this out, but it’s true. You can read more about it here. That’s also a post about how I get the work done on the busiest day ever, Sunday, alone, with a three-year-old.
Anyways, here’s my current routine started on October 1st. Not all days got me completely into it, but many days, I managed to track my obligations and to finish many tasks.
– Mornings –
5 AM WAKE UP. Because, obviously, the kid wakes up around 6 AM and 7 AM. Having some time on my own first thing in the morning is so important to me. That’s either the hour of “me time” to workout, have green tea and check on my daily tasks, or “get some work done” hour on the blog.
BETWEEN 6 AM & 7 AM. The kid’s up, or I wake him up. We get ready for the day together and have breakfast right away. Some days dad joins us for breakfast, or if not, we prepare his breakfast for later (usually around 7.30 if not awake before).
7 AM. We read books (here’s my son’s reading routine) and cuddle on the couch. Sometimes, if it’s too chilly, we eat breakfast on the couch and read while eating. After reading, it’s time for me to clean up the kitchen.
8 AM. We either go outside or play together at home. Anyhow, we spend quality time playing together. 8 AM is an independent hour for the little guy, so he gets to choose any activity between books, music room, playground, toys etc.
10 AM. Snack time. Usually fruit, smoothie, or home-made granola bars. I meal plan three weeks ahead and prepare all the food at least the day before. That way, my husband doesn’t have to worry about his snacks on
11 AM. By this time, my son’s already ready for his naptime. This means that he has brushed his teeth and used the toilet. Then we go to the bedroom and read books until he falls asleep. A perfect time for mom to nap as well! 😉
– Afternoons –
12 PM. Whether I could nap or not, I’m up at 12 PM to work on the blog, on any upcoming projects, or get some housework, depending on the day. It has been like that for a while now, not only as part of my mom fall routine.
I write and send a regular blog post emails on Mondays, prepare new blog post and get my presence on social media. On Tuesdays, I publish a blog post and do the ironing. Wednesdays are for freelancing, Thursdays for preparing new posts ahead and social media.
Second new post for the week goes live on Fridays, but that’s when I do the whole house cleaning as well. On Saturdays, I write, on Sundays, I wash laundry, prepare pins for the next week (I use Pinterest daily), photoshoot or brainstorm any next weeks’ project.
BETWEEN 2 PM AND 3 PM. Either someone comes into my room and run into hugging, or I go and wake him up. It’s the activity of the day time. So, whether I’ve planned a letter haunting, science project, or simply recommend hide & seek, we have a bit of quality time again.
3 PM. The happiest hour of the day – when dad gets home from work. We always have lunch together as a family, unless someone’s not home. Half an hour later, it’s an independent playtime for the littles member of this family, but let’s be real, this is “daddy and me” time.
Obviously, he won’t let him go anywhere since he spent the whole morning and half afternoon missing him. I get to clean up after lunch now.
4 PM. Music hour for the kid. Sometimes, he goes to the music room alone and sometimes he insists us to come for the show too. If he goes there with dad, I work on whatever I started and haven’t finished for the day. It could be blog-related/freelance/project work, hobby or self-care, workout or housework.
– Evening hours –
5 PM. If I haven’t finished daily tasks, I continue and the two of them go for a long walk when the weather is nice or stay to play at home. If yes, we all go together, or I take the kid myself. My husband and I divide our obligations so we can both succeed in finishing tasks.
Sometimes, he takes care of the kid during the afternoon hours but I go to bed with him and vice versa. We also have a together time, all the three of us, at least twice a week.
It’s also snack time for everyone. We all eat 5-6 times per day. Without my mom fall routine, I would never stay this organised and ready to jump out of the bed in chilly mornings, when I’m still adapting to it all!
BETWEEN 6.30 & 7 PM. Anyone of us bath the kid, so that the other one can focus on something else. If I haven’t finished my workout for the day, I’m onto that at this time.
7.30 PM. Family dinner time, again, unless someone’s not home.
8 PM. If it’s my time to take him to bed, we brush teeth, bring a glass of water and read and cuddle until he falls asleep. Otherwise, I prepare meals for the next 2 or 3 days (if that’s the day of the week) or work. This time, my work hours ideally consist of writing (blog posts, freelancing, book) or projects.
9.30 PM. Husband time – unwind and relax whenever possible. There will hopefully be more days during the week this autumn for us to unwind and relax earlier and longer.
This is also a hobby time for both of us (
10 PM. Bedtime, reading, write a book or journal.
When mom fall routine isn’t ONLY FOR YOU…
It might seem too much for someone, but my life partner and I divide obligations daily, so there’s minimum stress. Weekly, we have days that all the three of us spend together.
This all help us stay present with the kid, which is our main goal these days. I don’t always work throughout the whole day (ideally, only one to two times a week, since I always have those work hours at 12 PM).
The key is to organise. I haven’t chosen this life because I wanted to work hard, but because I wanted to raise a kind, successful and intelligent human. By separating obligations and trying to finish most of them at 12 PM, also by implementing self-care, I feel stress-free and ready to give the best of me to everyone.
There are days I spend at my parents’ house with the kid and when we go on a long playdate with my friend and her children. But also, there are days none of us do anything, AT LEAST TWICE A WEEK.
The best of October deals
I collected the best of deals of October for every family member, including the home goods deals! With coming close to Black Friday, which will be on November 29, the deals get crazier each month and each week.
However, it’s not always easy to shop in the seasons’ colours and trends AND shop discounts at the same time! But I’ve got you covered, trendy and sparkled with discounts that are even up to 50% off! Happy shopping and always remember to stay a positive mom! 😉
– Lovely deals for moms –
– Cute deals for toddlers –
– Handsome deals for men –
– Home deals –
What does your mom fall routine consist of?
Bree says
What a great routine! I need to be better about routines. I never can seem to follow one!
Annemarie LeBlanc says
Your schedule is just like mine and can be described in one word – busy! Anyway, it is always fun to be able to bond with the little ones. In my case, it would be the grandchildren!
catherine santiago jose says
I have two kids and I make sure that I set a daily routine for my kids, for my husband and of course for myself.
And you definitely have a very organize daily routine and I love it!
AMY says
This is an amazing routine. It’s really helpful I’m gonna try this one on my nieces. Looks like it will have a great effect on them. They are all nasty. LOL Thank you for sharing this wonderful article!
Maureen says
This is a pretty detailed routine. I wish! The only person with a routine in my household is my son because kids require consistency, the rest of us go with the moment.
Jasmine M says
Your Fall schedule is jam packed! I know I need to start setting a schedule for myself. It makes things so much easier to manage and I feel like I get more done when I have an actual schedule.
Laura says
Your schedule looks really busy and organized. I guess it doesn’t work any other way x
mommysup says
WOW Maureen, nicely said, love it!
Sundeep says
It looks like you are very organised. It’s very difficult for us to manage things in such busy schedule.
Kimberly C says
You wake up at 5… That’s early… I go to bed really late because my son goes to sleep late (his school starts later in the morning so it’s ok). Once he’s asleep I get to do what I want to do. I get what you say about your partner helping out. Same here. Without my hubby’s help I’d go crazy. It’s important for everyone to find that balance because stress can easily take over. Loved reading about your routine. Great mommy blog.