Most moms that have failed in staying consistent with their “healthy goals” have a hard time treating them important. Believe me, it’s a common trap to fall into, especially when your life’s the busiest one.
There’s always someone to hold, something to finish and too much planning. Once you’ve crossed off the “three most important” tasks, you’re too tired to speak for yourself.
And that’s totally normal, so stop hating yourself for being the good mom and wife that you are. But the irony, you never can completely be playing those two roles if you weren’t truly happy.
You should respect yourself, no matter the workout that you’ve skipped or similar. If you want to be that person rocking her healthy goals list, then I have a challenge you must try.
First things first!
Before we get going with this, I want you to know that I’ve created a free self-improvement guide as a way to thank you for being such a loyal reader! 🙂
Make sure to check it out:
Healthy goals challenge.
I know how hard finding motivation might be for you. With that huge to-do list, you think there’s no better way than rushing into creating healthy goals. And then, one day, you fail because you wanted to trick your mind and it refused to follow your game.
Try out this challenge today. Our main goal is going baby steps, so don’t fasten the process and do 4 things on day one. It will eventually become boring because you’ll exhaust yourself too soon to feel the real spark.
Also, your choices may vary from mine. Anything you don’t find comfortable doing, replace for similar activity on your own or simply skip. Happy challenging and let’s get right into it.
Follow the numbers and do one activity each day.
Let’s do this!
1 Drink water first thing in the morning.
2 Make a healthy breakfast (ex PB and banana toast).
3 Go for a short walk after lunch every day.
4 Have a green tea instead of coffee first (you can have a coffee 2-4 hours later).
5 Go to bed around 10 PM.
6 Wake up earlier (recommended: 6 AM or 7 AM).
7 Plan your meals for the next week (do it weekly).
8 Buy pretty sports’ clothing to boost motivation.
9 Instead of water, start your day with lemon water from now on.
10 Do a quick Pilates workout 3 times per week.
11 Explore the nearest forest at least weekly – fresh air!
12 Go completely vegan 2 times per week.
13 Implement HIIT workout one day per week.
14 Plan your workout every week.
– Related: My Weekly Workout Plan At Home –
15 Let go of any negativity (self-criticism, negative people and situations, lack of vibrancy).
16 Drink a green smoothie for breakfast or snack 3 times per week.
17 Eat two fruit portions per day.
18 Refuse eating sweets and junk food throughout the day, at least twice a week.
19 Read an inspiring self-love book/workbook.
My recommendations:
1 Good Vibes, Good life by Vex King
2 I Love My Workbook by Glenn Livingston
3 Loving Me, 180-day Journey by Melody Rorh
4 Be Unapologetically You by Adeline Bird
5 Daily Rituals by Phoebe Garnsworthy
20 Do 100 squats (or near to 100).
21 Create the vision board of your healthy goals.
22 Name your bad habits.
23 Commit to breaking bad habits (write an affirmation to repeat every morning).
24 Write sticky notes to remind you not to give up.
25 Go swimming (or similar activity) once per week.
26 Plan evening and morning rituals.
27 Ring your bestie to take a long walk together.
28 Take a picture of your body, embrace the progress.
29 Spread love to everyone.
30 Take my 30-day active mom challenge.
Consistency is the key.
Forget that “no pain, no gain” right now! You’re enough mature to act like a responsible human being, so refuse to hurt yourself in any way. The challenge above should be a smart one to take.
It will help you get results fast, even though you won’t feel you’re changing too much in the first week. I sincerely hope you take my advice and go slow on this. Let your body raise all the hormones of happiness naturally.
Read below an explanation of what you might welcome these five weeks while slowly taking my challenge.
Week 1.
If you’re with me in this, then here’s why I wrote the challenge that way. The first week should be all about creating at least one half of that special morning routine to prepare yourself for positivity.
When you drink water as part of your morning routine, you’ll raise your vibration and physical energy. It’ll also help you refresh faster. Nutritious breakfast and green tea are also part of a precious way to feel fresh every morning.
We’ll also establish one of the most important routine, a better sleep routine. Your body, but also your mind, needs the great recovery to be beautiful. Otherwise, when you lack sleep hours, you feel disoriented and not motivated to crash your healthy goals.
At the end of week 1, I ask you to meal plan. This means to separate 30 minutes on your 7th day to write every meal you’ll be having the following week. It’s a helpful way of staying away from junk food since you won’t ever have to say “what do I eat now”.
Week 2.
Drinking water first thing in the morning, then healthy breakfast, but also occasionally taking a short walk after lunch? Check?!
Following your better sleep routine, to bed earlier to wake up earlier? Check?!
Committed to taking 30 minutes at the end of each week to meal plan? Check?!
Since we’ll start with the real set of exercises this week, I want to encourage you to buy some pretty workout clothes! Whenever I put on one of my yoga combinations, I seriously cannot skip a workout. Get the pretty uniform and then commit to doing Pilates 3 times per week.
I’d recommend you start with low impact workouts of 10 to 15 minutes. That way, like I keep saying throughout this post, you’ll naturally release serotonin. You won’t get lazy of working out, but you’ll feel excited to have more instead.
On day 13, add a low impact HIIT workout instead of one Pilates set (so, two quick Pilates sets + one low impact HIIT workout). That, along with green tea before your first coffee, lemon water, 2 vegan meals weekly and fresh air will boost your metabolism.
Of course, if it’s not possible or right for you to replace your first coffee of the day, don’t worry! Just get used to the super green tea at any time of the day because it’s great for your skin and your health overall. Tell me now, any changes in the way you feel?! Bet there are! Plan the days you’ll work out now and let’s move to week 3!
Week 3.
Ok, so you’re rocking it by now! You’ve brought amazing changes to your life during the previous 2 weeks. BUT. Here’s the not so shiny drama about week No 3.
This period is crucial since many give up here. Choose to dedicate week 3 for self-love. Let go of emotional vampires and situations that don’t bring you peace and joy.
– Related: Reset your life in 5 easy steps –
Most importantly, refuse to self-criticise. Remember what they say, it takes 21 days for you to see the small change on your body, so don’t give up now! We’re close to that number!
Refuse to put food with so little vibration, such as sweets, junk food and too much meat, to your body. Any 3 days of each week, from now, change your breakfast to green smoothies and eat 1 portion of fruit every day.
On day 20, do 100 squats to bring out your best energy! Don’t quit and don’t let me hear you say “wow, that’s a big number, I can’t do it”! Because I’ve already worn your shoes.
This is a proven method I serve you right here. On day 20, you’ll be strong enough to do 100 squats. You can even separate this if that works better for you. Whether it be 20 x 5 or 100 at once, I want them from you today.
AND A PRO TIP HERE: Don’t work your quads, but your butts! You’ll achieve that if you go lower than the parallel (and even lower, as much as you can control) and then slowly get back to squeeze!
Week 4.
Vision boards are so powerful. They can even whisper your desires to the Universe without you knowing. Then the Universe will do the work for you and take you to beautiful places from your imagination. Put all of your goals in it, believe and let the magic happen.
Choose your perfect morning and evening rituals. Name your bad habits, stand in front of them and commit to letting them go. Write powerful sticky notes to yourself and about your qualities around the house.
As you can see, week 4 is all about you realising who you are. You’ve already improved your lifestyle, started to plan workouts and meals. You’ve committed to letting go of all the trash, love yourself and set your health goals.
– Related: 5 steps to decluttering your mind –
Now, to feel the motivation flowing still, you’ll need to inspire other aspects of your life too. I’m sure there’s a lot of power inside you now so don’t be afraid to step further and ask for more.
Then find someone, such as your best friend, and inspire them too. Include a peaceful activity in your life once per week to reset your mind and stay strong. It can be swimming, spa, sports, hiking.
Week 5.
Let’s take a picture and see what we’ve improved and then embrace yourself and spread love everywhere! Also, if you feel like you want more, don’t forget that there’s another challenge I’ve created especially for moms (to work on it with their kids) that you must try out!
Don’t be a stranger!
Let me know how you liked this challenge! Any ideas you might have, throw them at me! I also wanna know if you’d maybe like another challenge from me and do you have any special wishes!
Happy challenging! 😉
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